Friday, January 9, 2015

Bitcoins from Home

All over the world people are missing their military family and friends. Email has made it easier to communicate and Facebook postings help. But, we believe a new way to make our soldiers feel connected to home is for people to send small amounts of Bitcoin to them electronically.                                

New technologies make this not only possible, but very efficient, quick and free. What's more the crypto-currencies industry wants to give us their coins for free. We can accumulate them and then send them to our heroes in uniform.                                                                                                      

While the bankers and computer programmers are debating the future of the new "crypto-currencies" such as Bitcoin, ordinary people are finding practical applications for our new found ability to send funds directly to other people at little or no cost....instantly....often.

This new technology gives us the ability to let a soldier in the Middle East, or a brother in Asia know we are thinking of them. It can be used to send very small amounts of bitcoin every day, if we want to a parent or sweetheart located anywhere.

Additionally, websites called "Faucets" exist to GIVE AWAY bitcoin and other alternative digital coins. They are there to help get more coins in circulation and make them more acceptable for the world in general. You can also invest in these coins by buying them on an exchange, but "clicking" for them is more fun and the activity gives you the opportunity each day to remember the person.           

In order to participate in this idea you need to have a Bitcoin Wallet. That's easy enough to get. Just go to Coinbase Free Wallet. They will assign you an account identification number. Mine is

Next you need to contact the person to whom you will be sending bitcoin and have them also get a Bitcoin Wallet from Coinbase Free Wallet. 

Ask the other person to send you their account identification number. You will need this number to send bitcoin to them.

Perhaps, there are other people who want to send bitcoin to this same person. They will also need to have their own Coinbase account.

Now, you are ready to start earning or winning bitcoin.  You need to start somewhere, because there are literally hundreds of faucets who want to give you bitcoin...FOR FREE.

I recommend that you start earning bitcoin by using the three faucets show below. They are honest, fun and profitable. Jackpots are possible. I have won 2 already for almost 3,000,000 satoshi.

These companies will pay your winnings to an epay account. Every Friday they will transfer your satoshi to your Coinbase Wallet.

This is just a start, just a beginning, to a huge adventure into the world of Bitcoin. Once you have finished with the above instructions either check back here or go to our other blog Bitcoins from Heaven